Sunday, March 23, 2014

Get me to church on time.

Today we decided to go to church. It's been awhile ( we weren't sure we we're welcome after our last round). But I figured I have a lot of people to pray for these days, and I also am struggling with how to answer questions that seem to come up more and more... About God and Jesus and even Mary (who I really don't know much about!).

So I told the kids we were going to church- Kiley was really excited to go and sing songs and the prospect of donuts had her even more excited (until there were none).

Jaxon asked the important questions- "is God going to be there?"

Yes, of course, I said.

"Yes! I'm so excited! And Jesus? Will he be there too?"

And thus my need to have someone else explain things... I floundered around and figured out a way to tell him it was really just Gods spirit that would be there and that He is always around us.

He thought about it for a minute and then proposed this- " I bet when I'm sleeping at night, and I feel someone's hand on my hip and kissing me good night, that that must be God. What do you think mommy?"

Absolutely, Jaxon. Absolutely.

They can't wait to go back next week. Looks like we found a new Sunday morning routine...