Sunday, December 27, 2009

Another Christmas Party!

Wow, can you beleive it? Two posts in one weekend. I am on a roll! Here are a few pictures from our Christmas celebration with Grandma and Grandpa Vuong and Uncle and Auntie Yeddy and Jenny. We had a lot of fun!
Grandma had to bribe me to do another picture. Cookies always work.
Here's my dad with his brother and sister. I squirreled my way into this picture.

Ooh, green paper. I wonder what I could do with this stuff?

Time to play Tickle Monster!! I got Grandpa!

And Grandma!
Time for more cookies!! Merry Christmas everyone (again!)!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a quality snow shovel!

Well, it was a snowy Christmas, that is for sure. We ended up staying at home this Christmas instead of traveling due to the blizzard in Fargo and the treacherous driving throughout the state (big vocab for me huh? I've been reading lots of books). I got to help shovel the driveway ALOT. Mom and dad make me use the dustpan. It's a lot of fun until I fall forward and can't get up.

Anyway, lucky for me, I got to spend last weekend with my Grandma and Grandpa Walker and Uncle Cory (whom I affectionately call Uncle Yeddy) and Cousin Zoe. And then I got to spend Christmas morning with mom and dad and had them all to myself all day! Oh and someone must have told Santa I've been a good boy because he brought me lots of new toys! Here's a few pictures from our recent celebrations! I'll post some more after seeing Grandma and Grandpa Wa and Ricky and Uncle and Auntie Yeddy and Jenny tonight. I can't wait!

Here I am in my snow gear. We all went sledding last Saturday afternoon at the local school. I had so much fun watching dad run me up and down the hill. Boy was he tired!

Here we are after we finished decorating our birthday cake for baby Jesus. We used mom's new star mold and made a chocolate cake. Zoe and I got to help decorate it with lots of sprinkles!!

Here I am opening some gifts from Grandpa and Grandma. I sure had fun ripping into things. And I love my new water bottle. Now I can be just like mom and dad.

New Toys from Santa! Thank you Santa!!

I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas! Wishing you a happy 2010!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me!
Thanks Carol and Jeri for the gifts earlier this week. I really like the boat in the bath and the book makes really fun noises!
But mostly, I LOVE the card! Mom and dad like to play with it too and we dance around to the music together.

Wish you could be here for my party. Can't wait to see you both soon!

Monday, November 30, 2009

gobble gobble!

I love Thanksgiving. We get to walk around and pretend to gobble like turkeys, and then we actually eat the turkeys! We also get to spend lots of good quality time with our families, watch movies, and get ready for the holiday season. We had an awesome time in West Fargo this past weekend with my grandma and grandpa Walker and my cousin Zoe and uncle Cory. There were some other family there too, like that great aunt deb who is so fun to tickle and play with, and that scary guy Rudy who could make me laugh and then cry in the matter of minutes. We had a great time! Here's some pictures to prove it:

No, I'm not that cute, am I? Really? No! Okay, yes I am.

Mom and dad keep thinking if I help prepare the meal that has vegetables in it, that I'll eat it (some parenting book probably told them that). Now, I'm not sure what this stuff is, but there was no way I was going to try it. Mommy sure seemed to like it though. Something about green beans and french fried onions. Yech!

I love my cousin Zoe. She lets me read to her and tell her all sorts of stories! It's funny listening to her try to read Yum Yum Dim Sum though, because she can't quite pronounce the Chinese words like I can.

Here we are bellied up to the table, having some jello pudding shots. Yum Yum.

And here's the fam. Can't wait to see you all again this weekend for my birthday paaaarty!!! It's my birthday. Time to party. Yeah, It's my birthday. Gonna party. Woo woo!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

puttin' up the lights

Yesterday was a beautiful November day in Minnesota. You don't get too many of those around here. So dad and I decided we should get a head start on putting up the Christmas lights while we had the chance. Here's some photos from our fun day!
Dad made me walk with the lights to stretch them out. This was fun!

Then, we had to figure out how to get them into the tree. I supervised while dad threw them up as high as he could.

I think you want to be over here dad!

Yep, that looks good.

Yay!!! We finished. Can't wait to see what they look like in the dark!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween


At first, I wasn't so sure this was something I wanted to be a part of. Too much 'scary'.
But then, I was asked to help with a very important job. Carving the pumpkin.

And I got to put together treat bags for all my friends at daycare. I might have snuck a couple of these Hershey's Kisses. Shh! Don't tell!

And then, I got to act out on my inner monkey. It took a little bribery to get me in this thing, but once they did, I had so much fun!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

apple jaxon

This weekend my grama and grampa walker, great grama barb and carly all came down from west fargo for a visit. We had the best time ever! Saturday morning we went to the fall festival in maple grove. Since my parents are never really that prepared, Zoe and I ended up trick-or-treating without a costume. Zoe had to use a shopping bag and I used a lunch box. We pretty much had to rely on our cuteness to get us candy. Note to self: cute works.

Then, after a nice nap back at the house, we all piled into the cars again for a trip to Apple Jacks Orchard. Zoe took me on the hay bales and we went down the slides together. Then we picked some apples (and ate a few along the way too!). Here's some pics from our adventure!

We got candy. Mom got a 50$ gift at Belladerm Medspa. I guess cute works for moms too.

Main Street Crew. We did not win the costume contest.

But we did get our pictures taken with this giant bear.

Zoe is showing me how to go down the slide. Later she will help me up after I faceplant into the haybale. What a great cousin.

Apple? What apple? I didn't eat an apple.

Caught. Red-handed. Oh well. This apple was worth it! Along with the other two I ate along the way. Ha ha ha!

I have the best mommy and daddy ever.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

College Visit

This past weekend, I went on a college visit with my dad. We went to visit uncle Eddy at his dorm in Mankato for family weekend. Mommy was bye-bye so she didn't come with.

Here are a few pictures from our recent visit. Thanks Uncle Eddy for a fun time! I can't wait to grow big like you and go to college!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

West Coast Chillin.

I know it was a few weeks ago, but here are some photos from our super fun trip to Seattle and Vancouver. We had a great time and can't wait till dad has to work again somewhere else so we can tag along ;-)

I'm just croutching down to get at 'Uncle Jeff's' level. It's much cooler down here. We're checkin' out the fa gees (planes, not sure how to spell that) before dinner at Maggie Bluffs. We saw lots of boats too!

Wow! Wow! Wow! What a fun ride. I'm so glad the woman running the ride finally realized that even though I wasn't tall enough, that my daddy was. I think it was definately her first day on the job. I also think I had way more fun on this ride than dad did.

That mommy. She is funny.

Milk sake bomb and sushi take-out anyone?

Cheese! Smiling at the Vancouver Aquarium. Mom and I had a fantastic day together while dad was hard at work.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

family vacation

For Labor Day weekend, we went to Straight Pines Resort in Osage, Minnesota. Mom and dad thought it would be fun for the three of us to get away. I really enjoyed having them all to myself. Grandpa and Grandma Walker visited us on Sunday night for dinner. That was fun too.

Here's some photos from our weekend:

Here's mom- I'm showing her how to rock climb.

Dad is trying to teach me to use wax worms, but I'm not so sure...

Going for a stroll down to the lake...

Just like mom. Love my ice cream.