Wednesday, August 25, 2010

let's try this again.

Earlier this summer, when Kiley was only about two weeks old, I decided I had to get out of the house and get Jaxon somewhere fun. He was driving me crazy as much as I'm sure I was driving him to boredom. So we ventured to the Como Zoo. It was pretty much a disaster. It was hot. There were way too many people there for 10 am on a weekday. And I was clearly in no shape to be pushing sixty pounds of double stroller filled with moodiness and a baby needing to eat every hour. But today, I got up the nerve to try it again. We've been able to time some things right, and I thought what the heck? So, here we are, all excited to go to the zoo! It only took an hour this time to get us ready and out the door. (Yes, Kiley is wearing a halter top and skinny jeans. I told her it is probably the only time she'll ever be able to wear 'skinny jeans' if she indeed came from my gene pool.) Our plan was to go to the zoo and then have a picnic, and maybe have time for some rides. That all changed however, once we drove by this sign... And how could anyone say no to this? Or this? Especially since silly me, bought a pass at Nickelodeon Universe the day before, thinking there were a bunch of rides he could go on, but really, he's not tall enough to go on any of them by himself. Boy did that suck to explain!! And here's Jaxon just checking out the engine, making sure everything is working properly...
So, we rode a couple of rides. Well, Jaxon did. Kiley and I just provided support from the sidelines. Things like, "Jaxon, give your card to the man so he can swipe it" (as he just bypasses everyone to beeline it for the blue car); and "Jaxon, buckle your seatbelt", and "Jaxon, put your hand down or they're gonna stop the ride."
This nice lady gave Jaxon some one on one attention as he was the only one on the ride. She told him if he wanted to stop to just put his hand up in the air.
Unfortunately, all he heard was, 'put your hand up in the air'.
After awhile, we decided to take a break by the zebras (the only part of the zoo we actually saw)and have our picnic lunch.
This was one of our best days of the summer. I'm so glad we decided to try it again.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

30 minutes

I'm beginning to think a half an hour is all I need. A half an hour. 30 minutes. Each day to keep the crazies away. 1800 seconds without hearing about Dora's 10th birthday (again!). Thirty minutes without having to pretend like I'm a monster, hide in the same spot over and over again, and wipe bogies for the 100th time. Half an hour to do something I want, to listen to music, go for a run, or just sit with my cup of coffee and read a good book.
This morning I had that half hour. And then some. It. Was. Glorious.
6 am- woke up to Kiley smiling at me, talking about something or other. Stealing peices of my heart with each smile and coo... A couple diaper changes and a new outfit later, she was back to sleep around
7 am- got the paper and my first cup of coffee. Read the whole paper!
8 am- house is still silent. huh?
8:20-9am explored the neighborhood with my feet and an ipod.
9am- return to house, refreshed and rejuvinated ready for chaos. Everyone STILL sleeping. Double huh?
9:05 shower and second cup of coffee. Sweet.
10 am Nanny McPhee comes to the door and takes the kids and Scott away for a day. oh, wait, that never happened.
Still. A pretty glorious morning. Those thirty minutes away (+) were much needed, and so appreciated. I feel pretty lucky to be able to have those thirty minutes on most days of the week, mostly because I have a pretty fabulous husband. I look forward to them and cherish them.
And yet. I always find myself running just a little bit faster those last few blocks... to push myself and burn a few extra calories, sure. But also because I can't wait to hear all about the adventures Jaxon's been on, hide in that same spot again, and pretend to be afraid of the monsters chasing us. And really, how could you not run back to these kids...

Loves the water shooter... at Darlene's this afternoon. He did not stay dry long! I love this picture. Captures everything about Jaxon in one shot.

First smiles...

Goofy smiles... with a frosting mustache!
They are gonna be best friends... everytime Kiley lays on the play mat, Jaxon has to lay right beside her. He always wants to hld her hand and play the music for her. We'll see how long this lasts...
Yup. I'm tired. I haven't had a nap, and I'm about to go down a metal slide. I'm beginning to wonder if mom was right when she said I shouldn't have eaten two cookies, a rice crispie bar, and another big cookie for lunch?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Big Brother

Bet you thought this would be a post about how much Jaxon likes to be a big brother, huh? Nope. It's more about how Jaxon is like 'Big Brother'. The boy hears everything, sloshes it around in his brain, soaks it up on the sponge in his head, and repeats it when you least expect it.
Some examples:
I gave Jaxon some peanut butter and graham crackers for a snack the other day to which he promptly told me, 'that's disgusting mommy'. I asked him where he learned that word. 'You mommy', straight faced. Duh.
Reading a book the other night, Jaxon looks at me and says, 'Brenna, you're killing me!'. I thought I was going to die laughing. Of course that prompted a few more outbursts of Brenna and Honey you're killing me!.
When he doesn't get his way or something is frustrating him, I hear a 'God!' muffled under his breath.
And just today when we went to visit my coworkers at work, Karen was asking him if he helped me with Kiley's diapers. He promptly told everyone that I wore diapers too (referring to the ginormous pads one must wear upon delivering a child.).
Oh boy. I guess it is time to start watching what we say around him. Or perhaps it is too late for that...

Monday, August 2, 2010

six whole weeks, just about

Kiley will turn six weeks old on Wednesday this week. Hard to believe, but it is true- they do grow quickly. Already we've had to move from the 5-8 pound onesies to the regular newborn size. And she is sporting the double chin and chubby cheeks, much like her mother did way long ago.
Reaching the six week point means several things:
1. Kiley now shows her true colors. These kids. They like to fool you the first few weeks into thinking they are angels from heaven, and then wham! They suckerpunch you with a three hour crying spell and explosive gas. Let's just say we pulled out all the stops this weekend and switched to a new formula, bought some more gripe water, and added some gas drops to the mix. Not FDA approved, but they use them in Europe.
2. I am now allowed to get out of bed and leave the house. In Chinese tradition, it is customary for new mothers to stay in bed and let someone else take care of the baby while we heal and recuperate from the rigors of labor. Clearly I missed the boat on that one. What was I thinking going against tradition?
3. I am six weeks closer and half-way back to work. Eech. That's gonna be a rude awakening. I wonder if I'll remember my passwords...
4. We had a one month party for Kiley yesterday as is Chinese tradition, complete with red eggs and a roasted pig. Clearly the only important things at the party since I did not get one picture of Kiley. Way to go mom of the year. Here's the pig and eggs though:
Perhaps my ever so great mother could send me a picture of Kiley in her little dress so I can post the 'birthday' girl? Thanks mom ;-)
5. ... and the best thing about Kiley reaching this period of her life... her smiles (real ones, not gas ones!). Don't have a picture of those either, but she likes to give us these glimpes of happiness when we least expect it- usually after a crying jag, a dirty diaper, or at 3 in the morning when we just want her to go back to sleep. The smiles are all worth it though.
I am sure the next six weeks will be equally as exciting. I'll do my best to keep that camera loaded and ready to shoot!