Wednesday, May 4, 2011

this is my life

Do you ever have those moments?

They might hit you in the morning when you first wake up, groggy from the sleep you never got.

Or, they may come while you're at work, after you realize you've got one black boot on and one brown boot on.

Sometimes, the moments hit you when you least expect it, like when you're out for a walk with your kids and your baby drops her pacifier on the ground and without hesitation you pick it up, put it in your mouth to clean it, and then give it back to her without so much as a sideways glance to see what the neighbors are thinking.         

These are the moments that cause me to sit back and say.

This is my life.

I don't know how I got here, but I am so blessed to be here.

Moments like these, when you realize, it's too darn cold to do anything fun or go anywhere, so you just hunker down inside the house and spread chocolate cake on each other's faces. Just for something to do. For laughs and giggles. Scott and I look at each other with a knowing look. This is our life.

Days when we get to spend a little extra time with Jaxon after Kiley's gone to bed, enjoying his silliness. If I could bottle up his silliness... oh the money I could make.  This is my life.

When I look up from getting Kiley dressed, and realize Jaxon is running around the bed in her 6-9 month green Children's Place pants...oh yes, this is my life.

We had dinner at the Olive Garden for my birthday a couple weeks ago. We walked in and all I could think was, Ohmygoshthisissofancy! And bonus- unlimited breadsticks and salad. As Kiley began to get a rash from her pasta sauce, we asked for the dessert and check before we finished our meal. Then Scott grabbed boxes from the waitresses tray and started packing up. This is our life.

Last week Jaxon had his first real dentist appointment. Of course he was scared to death when he sat with me in the chair, but as soon as we switched and Scott took him, he was all about the 'Aaaahhh!' and let the dentist do whatever they wanted to his mouth. A twinge of jealousy, but mostly gratitude for such an amazing husband. So glad this is my life.

These are the moments I remember every day. When I'm daydreaming in a meeting or out for a run, I have these thoughts, images, stories in my head. Jaxon's words of wisdom. Kiley's cries of wanting to do more. And Scott's constant question- can I golf on Friday?

This is my life. And I love every minute of it.


  1. love this post! hilarious about jaxon wearing those pants.

  2. Love this post so much. You have a very happy, very beautiful life with those sweet kids of yours (Scott included).

    Nate didn't have to ask about golf tomorrow this time because I'll be out of town. :)
