Monday, December 5, 2011

4 for Four

Mom, when will I have another birthday? Jaxon asked as he was taking a nap today... not for another whole year kiddo.

It's been an awesome few days for the kid. No wonder he wants to relive it again. I always wonder what he'll remember from these early years. Probably not a lot, if my memory is any indication... but nevertheless, I want it to be special for him in the here and now. And I guess I have the memories here for all the world to see, so even if he doesn't remember anything... everyone else will and he'll know it must be true!

Jaxon's birthday started out about a month ago when the daily mantra was '4 for Four'! I'm turning 4 on December 4th in about four weeks!

Then, there was the cookie decorating party at Nancy's last week on Thursday to celebrate and finally Grandma and Grandpa Walker came into town on Friday and his birthday weekend was here.

And even though we didn't have birthday celebration on Friday or Saturday, pretty much Jaxon got to break all the rules anyway just because grandma and grandpa and Zoe were with us. Sleepovers in the living room, up until 10pm, too many spritz and other treats (okay, that was me too!).

Sunday was the big golden birthday though- we had a party at the Childrens' Museum with all his friends and family.

Of course I hadn't planned any sort of activity for the kids, thinking we probably wouldn't have time and it might be a little chaotic. Both true.

But children are not short on imagination and an activity was not really needed.  The party started out by finding the least safe 'toy' in the room. I'm pretty sure this was actually Scott's idea.

Then, they found the stage and ran circles around each other until they were exhausted. Bet no parent complained about that one (except for maybe the Heils who had to deal with Gretchen's rugburn on her head). Sorry 'bout that. 

After everyone was sufficiently tired, we had cake and ice cream even though it was only 10:30 in the morning... If you can't break the rules on your birthday though, what fun is that?
Jaxon got a little spooked by everyone singing to him and retreated into his own little space... my lap.

He moved on pretty quickly though and was able to get after his presents. He came home with quite the loot. Lots of fun stuff though that he has been really enjoying the past couple days, including several really loud obnoxious games like Hungry Hungry Hippo and Wack-a-mole. Thanks to everyone who gave him nice quiet things like books, puzzles and money that sits in his piggy bank. You've obviously done this before.
 And before you know it, the scene turned into chaos, and chaos turned into fun...
 We even gathered everyone for a family photo and got most everyone looking!
The after-party was at McDonald's for lunch. What can I say? Kiley had a good time. She was lovin' it and auditioning for a McDonald's commercial.
And as an after-thought, we ended up with a family photo of everyone exhausted, leaving the museum.

Then, today, I took the day off, prolonging the inevitable end of the birthday festivities! I decided I wanted a day with Jaxon without having to work from home, or feed Kiley, or plan around anyone else. Just me and my little boy who doesn't seem so little anymore.

We went to the Mall of America and went on some rides at Nick Universe. At first, I don't think Jaxon really understood why daddy was going to work and Kiley was going to Nancy's... I had to tell him a few different times and a few different ways, and then he seemed to figure it out.

My hope is that it made him feel loved, and so so special, with our undivided attention and focus on him. Scott was able to meet us for lunch at the Rainforest Cafe and Jaxon was SO excited to see him. I think he just thought this was the greatest day ever.

After our rides, we stumbled upon a high school band that was playing holiday music. We sat next to a couple and I chatted with them about their son who was playing in the band. They seemed so proud, and had obviously driven a ways to see him and taken off of work. They were beaming when he did his solo (even though he was a little pitchy).

And I had a flash forward.

In ten or twelve years that will be me sitting there, clapping and taking pictures of my teenager in the band... or in the stadium bleachers cheering on the soccer forward... or watching him in his championship tennis match... or any number of things... and it made me just think what a special thing I have and how precious little time we have each and every day...

so I held Jaxon a little closer, told him I love him and how much fun I was having... because you never know what they will remember...

Happy Birthday Jaxon. We love you more than you'll ever know!


  1. Such a sweet post. Happy birthday jaxon!
    Love, aunty jenny

  2. I just bawled my way through this. Ugh, so true and so sweet. It flies. Happy birthday to one of the funniest, coolest kids I know! Sorry I didn't make it on Sunday. I heard from Calvin that it was REALLY FUN! With BUBBLES! And WHITE BALLS IN THE WATER! AND CAKE AND JUICE! :)

  3. Tears falling....from this grandma. What a wonderful weekend with Jaxon, the best party ever and so glad we got to be a part of it. Love, Grandma Mel.

  4. Okay, so Nate came home last night and was like "Did you see Brenna's special shout-out to us on the Hungry Hungry Hippos?" Somehow I totally missed that but I just wanted to say you're welcome. That game is awesome. And we'll bring you and Scott some earmuffs next time we get together. :)
