Monday, January 14, 2013

little monsters

Gosh, looking back on my last post, I make it sound like my kids are animals! Well, they are.

But they're pretty cute little animals... even though they drive me crazy at times I wouldn't take away the chaos and time we have together for one minute.

And I'm feeling like I should clarify, that when I say I sometimes lose my cool in the privacy of my own home, I am simply referrring to the fact that I may raise my voice a bit louder (okay, a lot) and go into wild explanations to a 2 and 5 year old about why it isn't okay to hit, throw, punch or kick. It's not like I'm using any sort of corporal punishment or anything, so don't start calling the state investigators.

Whew. Got that out.

There were some funny moments this weekend that amid all the running around and slight exhaustion, we all found a little bit of hysteria and laughter.

At one point Kiley started saying 'Donut' over and over again. Soon her and Jaxon were in fits of saying 'Donut Mommy' and laughing hysterically. It wasn't until yesterday that I realized she is really saying 'Darnit!'. Something she clearly learned from her big brother.

And I've come to realize that Kiley has way more to say when Jaxon isn't around. Yesterday when we dropped him off at his friends' birthday party (that's like a whole separate blog post!), she began talking and didn't stop until we picked him up... she comments on everything we see outside- from snow, to birds, to things that aren't even there, like purple dinosaurs, the moon, and marshmellows on her fingers. When we got to the grocery store, she started making a list for me of everything we needed to buy in a really matter-of-fact voice- 'gotta get more pears mommy. and some nanas. and Gushers!'.

She's started requesting Lady Gaga on the radio, though I'm not sure she knows who Gaga is. Funny though because that was Jaxon's first real interest in music. I wonder if Lady Gaga knows how many 'Little Monsters' she really has?

And she now says 'No problem.' when she drops something or if I say thank you to her. No problem mom.

Sometimes Kiley says something totally rediculous that doesn't make any sense at all- okay, this happens a lot- and Jaxon will just look at me and we both crack up laughing. It's pretty awesome.

When we went to go pick Jaxon up though, Kiley saw him and ran over to give him a big hug. She missed him after just a couple hours. It was so cute. Though in true big brother-around my friends- style, he kept walking right by, not bothering with her. I think he secretly missed her too though as I caught him sharing his candy with her later...

So, I guess it wasn't all screaming kids and worn out chaos. There were some good, and definate favorite parts, to this weekend (like when they both went to bed at 7:30 last night, worn out from way too much fun and I got to finally sit down and relax!).

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