Thursday, August 4, 2011

thirsty thursday

What is it about my kids that make me want to use my bottle opener every night?

7 Things that have me thirsting for more (and smiling) today...

1. Tim Mahoney. Yes, you know him from the voice, but those of us who have been around have seen him here and there in local venues. Tonight I took the kids to see him at the Woodbury Outdoor Music Series. Didn't remember how great he was. We were having a fun time until...

2. Kiley started eyeing the little boy behind us- he was having a picnic. With lots of yummy food. Kiley was still know the rest (girl sees boy with food, boy covets food, girl screams wanting food, mom exits politely telling her boy that everyone is going home soon).

3. The joy (and subsequent mess) from Jaxon's cotton candy ice cream from Maggie Moo's. They had to know that would be a big seller with kids. Great marketing idea Maggie.

4. Red Velvet ice cream from Maggie Moo's. 'Nuff Said. Seriously though? Tasted like cake. Okay, 'nuff said.

5. Hearing Scott's voicemail and watching Kiley light up, saying 'dada' and 'buhbye'. So cute she recognized his voice and the fact that he is gone, on the greatest trip ever.

6. The excuses Jaxon makes to try to stay up later. Though this didn't have my smiling right away... it initially led me to my reason #7 for smiling today...I think I will start a new series each week with a post on just his excuses. Some of them are priceless.

7. Always having cold beer in the fridge.

1 comment:

  1. This was hilarious. I have to laugh though - Tim Mahoney bought me a shot of jagermeister at a concert at the Fine Line when I was 22 and I ended up puking my brains out in the bathroom and missed my chance to talk to my longtime musician crush who, after the concert, was just hanging out at the bar. Fun night. Just ask Jo, she held my hair. :)
