Tuesday, February 28, 2012

and today...


some might find this next post inappropriate for this blog.

however, i cannot let this opportunity to remember such a funny moment go to waste.

besides, someday i am quite certain it will come in handy when i have the need to embarrass my son.

this morning Jaxon came into the bathroom while i was getting ready. he started going potty when the conversation went something like this:

Jaxon: 'Mom, why is my pecker red right there?'
Me: 'Well, sometimes it just gets that way I guess. I'm not really sure.'

Jaxon: 'Well, yours and daddy's is not like that.'
Me: 'Well, I don't have a penis. I have a vagina. Remember? Girls have vaginas and boys have penises.'

(this is easy for me to say- i taught sex ed to a bunch of teens in south minneapolis, remember?)

Jaxon: thinking... 'oh. yeah. well i wish i was a girl so i could have a vagina. did you know brianna has a hole in her butt?'
Me: 'yes, and you do too. everyone does (right?). that's how you poop.'

Jaxon: 'no, it's a different hole, in her other butt.'
Me: thinking... thinking... 'okay jaxon, let's wash your hands and go watch a show.'

Me: i need to go to barnes and nobles and find a book about body parts...

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Lord. I think my diet coke just came out my nose.
