Monday, July 12, 2010

favorite friends

Last week was my first full week at home alone with Jaxon and Kiley, well, minus Monday, so I guess this week will be the first full week. Regardless, it felt like a full week!
We had some ups and downs as we all adjust to life with another person in the house. It's been particularly difficult for Jaxon who now has to share the attention of a baby and doesn't have any of his friends around to play with since he's stuck with me for the summer.
I had such great visions of taking the kids to the zoo, going to the park, eating ice cream or going on playdates with friends. But then reality set in. And it takes forever to get anyone ready in the morning. Even now, I am taking precious time away from drying my hair to write this blog.
But, late last week I think Jaxon and I had a breakthrough. We made a car ramp out of a beer box and played for nearly an hour together just racing cars. He thought it was high times. I thought I was just another lame mom trying to be creative.
And just yesterday, Jaxon took my hand after we got back from the park and said 'Mommy, you're my favorite friend'. Those moments are all worth it.
I seriously give so much credit to all the daycare providers, nannies, and stay at home moms out there-- not sure how you do it, day in and day out. I've done it for a week and am exhausted at the thought that it is Monday! Here's to another week though, of special moments, wherever we might find them.


  1. It will get better don't worry. Don't forget you just had a baby so you are recovering as well. No need to be so hard on yourself. Jaxon also is getting use to sharing his mommy and daddy. It will all work itself out. In no time the kids will be best friends. You have a wonderful family. Looking forward to more updates as they grow. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I don't know how they do it either...some days I am so thankful to go to work. You are a super mom (the beer box ramp is genius!) and it will definitely get easier...and we're here if you need anything!
