Friday, September 17, 2010

10.8 pounds, 21 1/2 inches

Well, Kiley turned 12 this week. Twelve weeks that is! She had her checkup on Wednesday. We are running about a month behind with her appointments and shots, but I guess that's what happens with the second baby right? So, she had her two month appt when she was three months. Oh well, we didn't learn too much we didn't know already.
Kiley is now weighing in at 10.8 pounds and 21 1/2 inches. Earlier this week I had weighed her on our home scale and she was 11.3 pounds. Now, either she went on a good diet, or our scale is off (which means I don't weigh as much as I think I do!).
She also got her first shots. Scott tells me he was looking forward to that part all day. Now, you have to know Scott to know he didn't mean it maliciously, but in a funny sort of way. His thinking was that someone else gets to make her cry for an actual reason, rather than us listening to her cry for no reason. In a way, I guess it makes some sense. You can see her bandaids above. Three shots. I did not enjoy it... I'm sure she didn't either. Secretly, I think Scott did. Good thing she has a big brother who wanted to make her feel better.
We talked to the doctor about Kiley's colic and what we could do for her. He told us that she doesn't need to be on solids yet and she shouldn't have honey for the first year. It was not the best patient-provider experience, and quite honestly I was considering walking out before she got her immunizations. Especially since the nurse told us, 'we don't see too many babies here. I'll have to check on your questions about immunizations'. Aye. I miss Dr. Paulson telling us 'no baby ever died from crying' and 'don't coddle your kid, set some rules and make em follow them'. Note to expectant moms- go see a pediatrician for your kids, not a family practice doc. (sorry to all my family practice doc friends, er, not sure i have any anyway...)
Anyway, since ms. Kiley is three months old, it's time for her to do a photo shoot! With Jaxon we had professional pictures of him taken nearly every three months. Sorry Kiley. Second babies also miss out on that. BUT, you will be getting your picture taken this weekend with numerous outfit changes and poses by none other than me. You can all look forward to those sometime on Sunday or later next week!
So, for all you moms out there, what else does the second baby miss out on because of lack of time, energy, money, all of the above? I need your insight so I can try to avoid short-changing Kiley. Leave your comments and help me out!

1 comment:

  1. 1) She's so cute.
    2) Now that you're an eastsider, you could go to the HealthEast Woodbury clinic at Woodwinds. We see Laura Beneke (she's a pediatric NP) and we LOVE her.
    3) Since I didn't have a single professional picture taken until Calvin was 13 months, I shudder to think of what our #2 will miss out on. :)
