Thursday, January 6, 2011

resolved to be unresolved

So, it is that time of year. Everyone is making new year's resolutions. Or not. And everyone has a reason for doing so. Or not.

I realized that last year, I made some resolutions up for Jaxon- things that he would be thinking. Here they are in case you forgot:

  • Learn to go potty by myself (okay, this is mom's resolution for me)
  • Eat more vegetables (another one of mom's resolutions for me!)
  • Be the best big brother I can to my new little sister or brother this summer!
So, looks like we are at about 30%... Not sure if that's considered good or bad in the resolution world.

Funny, we are just embarking on the first one (a whole nother blog post), using bribes for the second one (balancing chocolate with vegetables is something our doctor taught us if you beleive that!) and doing great on the third one.

For the past several years, I've been writing out 'goals' rather than resolutions. I make them for each part of my life- home, work, family, and what I call the 'me' goals. Most of the time, I meet about 75% of my goals. And I re-write them half-way through the year if I know they are way off base.

This year. I have no clue. I think I might try flying by the seat of my pants. Or perhaps I'll see if I can accomplish 50% of what is on my to do list each day and be satisfied in that. Or maybe, I'll just keep setting resolutions for my kids:

  • Jaxon will be potty trained by the end of this year, if not the end of this weekend.
  • Kiley will get some teeth to prove she is actually teething and not just irritable.
  • Kiley will finally start crawling so she can get what she wants so she can also stop being irritable.
  • And, Jaxon will eat more vegetables, even if I have to break out my food chopper and puree them into his food so he doesn't know it.  
Mostly, I think it is going to be a great year, with lots of fun, happy moments to come. I'm looking forward to appreciating each day, each smile, each moment of joy. And, really looking forward to dropping a diaper bill.


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