Monday, August 9, 2010

Big Brother

Bet you thought this would be a post about how much Jaxon likes to be a big brother, huh? Nope. It's more about how Jaxon is like 'Big Brother'. The boy hears everything, sloshes it around in his brain, soaks it up on the sponge in his head, and repeats it when you least expect it.
Some examples:
I gave Jaxon some peanut butter and graham crackers for a snack the other day to which he promptly told me, 'that's disgusting mommy'. I asked him where he learned that word. 'You mommy', straight faced. Duh.
Reading a book the other night, Jaxon looks at me and says, 'Brenna, you're killing me!'. I thought I was going to die laughing. Of course that prompted a few more outbursts of Brenna and Honey you're killing me!.
When he doesn't get his way or something is frustrating him, I hear a 'God!' muffled under his breath.
And just today when we went to visit my coworkers at work, Karen was asking him if he helped me with Kiley's diapers. He promptly told everyone that I wore diapers too (referring to the ginormous pads one must wear upon delivering a child.).
Oh boy. I guess it is time to start watching what we say around him. Or perhaps it is too late for that...


  1. Jaxon, you're killing me!

    That kid is too, too funny. Does this mean we still have about a year before we have to start watching what we say??

  2. Love the hands on the hips Jaxon.
