Monday, August 2, 2010

six whole weeks, just about

Kiley will turn six weeks old on Wednesday this week. Hard to believe, but it is true- they do grow quickly. Already we've had to move from the 5-8 pound onesies to the regular newborn size. And she is sporting the double chin and chubby cheeks, much like her mother did way long ago.
Reaching the six week point means several things:
1. Kiley now shows her true colors. These kids. They like to fool you the first few weeks into thinking they are angels from heaven, and then wham! They suckerpunch you with a three hour crying spell and explosive gas. Let's just say we pulled out all the stops this weekend and switched to a new formula, bought some more gripe water, and added some gas drops to the mix. Not FDA approved, but they use them in Europe.
2. I am now allowed to get out of bed and leave the house. In Chinese tradition, it is customary for new mothers to stay in bed and let someone else take care of the baby while we heal and recuperate from the rigors of labor. Clearly I missed the boat on that one. What was I thinking going against tradition?
3. I am six weeks closer and half-way back to work. Eech. That's gonna be a rude awakening. I wonder if I'll remember my passwords...
4. We had a one month party for Kiley yesterday as is Chinese tradition, complete with red eggs and a roasted pig. Clearly the only important things at the party since I did not get one picture of Kiley. Way to go mom of the year. Here's the pig and eggs though:
Perhaps my ever so great mother could send me a picture of Kiley in her little dress so I can post the 'birthday' girl? Thanks mom ;-)
5. ... and the best thing about Kiley reaching this period of her life... her smiles (real ones, not gas ones!). Don't have a picture of those either, but she likes to give us these glimpes of happiness when we least expect it- usually after a crying jag, a dirty diaper, or at 3 in the morning when we just want her to go back to sleep. The smiles are all worth it though.
I am sure the next six weeks will be equally as exciting. I'll do my best to keep that camera loaded and ready to shoot!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on being able to get out of bed and leave the house. Six weeks is a big milestone all around!
