Friday, February 25, 2011


To be nine again. Aaaaah.... nope, nevermind, wouldn't do it over.

My niece Zoe, however, is in the thick of it. Zoe reached a milestone this past week (and you would have heard about it sooner had blogger not erased my entire post last Monday night, leaving me tired and exhausted and upset). She turned into a nine-year old. One more year and she's officially a tweener.

So, last weekend, my parents came for a visit and we celebrated her birthday. Zoe decided she wanted to get her ears pierced so we all met up at Claire's in Maple Grove. Yes, you need an enterouge to get your ears pierced, complete with photographing grandmas and high fiving cousins.

It was a riot. Have you been in Claire's lately? Do you know how much kitschy stuff they pile into a 15X15 foot space? A lot.

I think we were there for about an hour... we were placing bets on first, if the poor 20 year old girl working would be able to get one ear pierced. Then, on whether or not Zoe would leave with just one ear pierced. It was comical to us, traumatic to her I'm sure.

 But, Jaxon and Grandpa were there supporting her every step of the way.

 We were there so long, Kiley was actually wondering if it was going to be her turn next. Not so fast missy. You're not getting your ears pierced until you are 21!

And, it almost made me want to get my eyebrow pierced again. LOL, did you know about that one mom?

But, at last, she went through with it and both ears looked beautiful with their little amethyst studs. And so, after telling a few more Justin Bieber jokes, trying on some Elton John oversized sunglasses, and doing a fashion show with plaid berets and scarves, we put the singamajigs back on the shelf and made our way over to Dave and Busters for 'the best food in the world' (according to a nine year old) and some fun games (according to a nine year old and my 32 year old husband).

 The kids had fun riding a roller coaster, winning things from giant claw machines, and pretending to drive even though he couldn't reach the pedals (Jaxon, not Scott).

One of the real milestones though, was not that Zoe turned nine, but rather that she used her new mind flexibility to win the cool cat from the giant claw machine. Nice. Happy Birthday Zoe ;-)

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