Sunday, February 27, 2011

riding in the car, the call, and lady gaga

Ride to daycare:
On the way to Nancy's the other day, I was driving and accidentally missed my turn a little bit, and ended up cutting it a little too close, going over the curb, just a tad.

Jaxon: 'Mommy, what happened?'
Mommy: 'Oh, I bumped the curb.'

Jaxon: You broke the car mommy?
Mommy: NO, I just bumped hte curb.

Jaxon: Okay, maybe next time we can turn better.
Mommy: Thanks Jaxon.

The Phone Call:
As parents, we often talk about 'the call'. You could be at work, in the middle of a meeting, grabbing your morning coffee, or working hard on an important presentation. And then you get, 'the call'. It's the kiss of death and you know the rest of your day and the next are going to be spent staying at home with a sick kid. Or a kid acting sick. Or some combination of sickness.

So, when I got 'the call' on Thursday, I was fully expecting to be notified that one of my kids had pink eye, or a fever, or the crazies from such a long winter. So I was pleasantly surprised to have Nancy call and tell me some good news-- Kiley cut her first tooth!

We'd been waiting in anticipation for this tooth to break through, as it means a little less cranky and a lot more cute.

Ride home: On the way home from Nancy's, the new Lady Gaga song came on the radio (one of the rare moments I was able to listen to 'music' and not the 'ABC's' CD.

Jaxon: 'What song is this mommy?
Mommy: 'It's the new Lady Gaga song.'

Jaxon: 'Oh. (thinking), It's not the one that says 'ra ra ooh aah aah', like in Daddy's car? You don't have that one?'
Mommy: 'Nope, it's her new one.'

Jaxon: next song comes on. What song is this mommy?
Mommy: I'm not sure.
Jaxon: I think it must be Katy Perry.

And there you have it. My son knows more about pop culture than I do.