Monday, October 17, 2011

An apple a day... or two, or three...

Hopefully the old saying is true for us this winter.

I have dreaded the winter for as long as I can remember, but I dread it moreso now with kids. With the cold weather comes the inevitable colds, flu, ER trips, and endless calls to the Nurseline.

So, here's hoping our stock of freshly picked Honeycrisp can get us at least a few weeks into the season without too much vacation time used up for frivolous fevers and runny noses. 

I look forward to our apple orchard visits each fall. It's always such a fun time to spend with family and something I didn't necessarily grow up doing. Not too many orchards out on the prarire. 

So I love to pack everyone up, venture into the country, and breathe the freh crisp air, the smell of apples and cinnamon, and just walk through the orchards, taking photos and enjoying each other. This year was especially fun because it was a gorgeous fall day, the sun was shining most of the time, and everyone was in a good mood.

And, everyone was old enough to eat  apples! Kiley has taken a special liking to them, although she sometimes bites off more than she can chew and almost choking herself. I think she just gets so excited to be doing it herself. She is becoming more and more independent, which is a little crazy and scary. She's definately moved right into toddlerhood.

I just had to dig up this picture of Jaxon from his first orchard trip. Any similarities?

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